GSO Test


At St Andrew's and partner school, Potters Gate, we believe that every child within Early Years has the potential to build a solid foundation of skills and knowledge to prepare them for Key Stage 1 and beyond.

Children in early years learn how to.....

  • Love the love of learning
  • Show respect for themselves, each other and their environment
  • Learn about each other and celebrate how we are all different
  • Play collaboratively, but also have opportunity to learn independently
  • Be critical thinkers
  • Have the confidence to try new experiences
  • Build the foundations for reading and writing through learning early phonics skills
  • Be mathematicians through investigation
  • Know that we learn through making mistakes and trying again
  • Develop a sense of belonging within our community, using our local areas such as Space2Grow, the school allotment and the local church.
  • For St Andrews children to know they are part of the wider school, benefiting from the facilities at Potters Gate for Forest School, Workshops and PE.
  • Experience outings outside of our local community.

 EYFS Progression