otter Class - Year 2
2023 - 2024
Class Reps
What are we learning this half term?
The children will have spellings sent home every Friday. These spellings will link to the spelling patterns we have been learning during that week's Phonics and will also include 3 tricky words. Children will then be tested on these spellings the following Friday morning. Homework books will need to be in each Friday please.
Please read with your child at home as much as possible. While reading please also question them on the text they have read. This doesn't need to happen every day but at least a couple of times a week would be wonderful. Comprehension and inference is so important, not just word reading.
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to know all the multiplication and division facts for their 2, 5, 10, 3 and 6 times tables. We will be covering these in class throughout the year but please practise as much as you can at home.
Please remember that children are now changing their own reading books.
If it doesn't seem to be happening, just talk to one of the staff and we can remind them!
Please can we remind you that all children need their PE kits in school from the beginning of term. We have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday and children are unable to participate fully without their kit. Kits will be sent home at the end of the half term for a wash.
Please practise spellings and try to read regularly at home. The children work so hard when they're at school but that extra 10 minutes or so at home can make a big difference.
Please don't hesitate to come and talk to Mrs Ruocco or Mrs Wilkins if you have any queries or questions.
Please practise the common exception words for Year 1 and 2. By the end of Year 2 all children are expected to know how to spell all of these words and to use them in their writing.
Please support your child with their reading.
This can be with books and other reading materials from school, home and the library.
We use a couple of great websites to support our teaching, please see the links below:
Letter Formation used.
Letters and Sounds Articulation