At St Andrew's Infant School, children are taught the importance of being safe, respectful and responsible when working online through regular online safety lessons, as well as our annual Safer Internet Day.
With the increased use of the internet and online learning, we need to be even more aware of how to keep ourselves safe whilst learning. Children are encouraged to ask questions and share concerns when discussing how to keep safe online both in school and at home.
Please click on pictures below for links to support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online.
Parents can find useful information and advice on the following websites, some with age relevant videos and games for their children to engage in. Click on pictures below for further information.
Children | Parents & Carers |
An award winning practical internet safety programme website for schools, young people, parents, and agencies, produced by the children's internet charity Childnet International. It includes the adventures of the SMART crew and Smartie the penguin |
This website contains an award winning suite of resources and information on e-safety
Digital Parenting helps you find expert advice and strategies to help your children or pupils navigate the internet safely. |
At St Andrew’s School we believe that the educational benefits of Internet access far outweigh the possible risks and that good planning and management will ensure appropriate and effective pupil use.
How do we ensure E Safety at St Andrew’s?
- Our E-safety rules are sent home at the beginning of each academic year. Parents and carers are asked to read and talk about these with their children. Pupils are required to sign to confirm that they will follow the acceptable use of school computers document.
- E-safety is now taught as part of the staying safe curriculum and is designed to educate our pupils about the safe use of computers across all year groups. These activities cover what to do if children do not feel safe on the internet.