Vintage Car Visit '20
February 2020
An Austin Seven, made in England in the 1930's visited the year 2 pupils as they were learning about transport. The car was small and made for the average working family (although at the time it would cost near two year's of wages for a factory worker. Just over 290.000 of these cars were made between 1922- 1939.
The car that visited St. Andrew's School was first registered in Shropshire which is also the home of Merrythought English teddybears and so the car was named 'Merrythought'. The children certainly spotted the two bears peeping out of the car.
The children had a good look at the vintage car and sat inside. They used their noticing skills and thought about the differences between the old car and the one their family might use. Differences included: body shape, lights, sun roof, size, wire wheels, spare wheel on the outside, window winders, no seat belts and indicators.
A lot has changed in motor car design over the last ninety years but St. Andrew's pupils certainly gained a lot by looking back in time.